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This page is dedicated to my friends out there............










Material is not for the faint hearted, if you are my friend you should have been used to insults by now...........





























Are u sure u want to go on.........




Huh!!!, really sure u want to...........





Think about it again.............















Okay....What's the time now!!!












Oh ya.........i almost forgot.......the friends thingy right.....OK
























Did u say something???.....




































Wait Wait.......Slow Down























I don't have time for this...
































Now i can start...

Okay better NOW!!!.......





Flower for a beauty...Firstly i would like to say hi to a very special person....that is none other than my girlfriend, i luv u very much.

Stella....dancing And also a big HELLO to Stella........

Lemonrat.... Not forgetting Shaun the rat......"THE MOST IRRITATING PERSON ALIVE"

Occupation: Fireman Kee Hing....."Kick Your Ass Anytime In KOF"

Where are u....

Mike.......sti  Boring EH!!!

Eat my slipper..... "U know what Aa......."   (Guess Who) Give u a clue: Drives Hyundai Coupe.....

 Jin's Life....Our dear Jink Hao........Gilarrr Mana M3

Help save me from ruddin.... Eh wanna buy TIGER PRAWN Kah.....(Ruddin)

 Dream On Gila Ah Kit playing for World Cup!!!

Bak Bak Bak.... Chic kien Hui.....

As tall as ever.... Tae Kwan Do Boy....Wan Kheong

Ag00421_.gif (17820 bytes) Thomas Hu....doing his finger.....*hahahaha*  Eh also wearing an adidas Jacket.

I bet it'll offended her if she knew... Art Teacher from SAS.....MR. LOH

Long live the wolf pack THE WOLF PACK......u know who you people are....Zal, Kaz.Rat........

This is funnyThis is Kazi.........No Offence Man...

Resemblence This is James....What's up bro...

As skinny as ever This is a potrait of Jun Jun.....Shaun's brother....

Trying To Weight Lift This is none other BUT chen hao......



If i have left anyone out in in these page please sent me an e-mail and i will guranttee to post you up here......Mail me!!!

Showing you the direction...Mail Me Here!!!

Last Updated On 10/11/98.